barriers that hinder tafakkur..
"giving the lie to the messages of God (takhdib)..
explaination..for those who r alwayz interpret AlQuran based on their intentions..ha..remember.. wrong tu!"
ok last
" the role of satan in influencing human perception..
many more verses stated it is the clear one for our barrier..alwayz in daily life..
but, sometime, we should follow their behavior n spirit" said bro. El..hehehe
"ha..really..biaq btoi.." masing2 tercengang2 kut..mazhab mana ni??
"we can c their spirit..wafa' bil 'ahdi, unity, n qiyam...etc.." de gud one's true..
so different wif us..
tgh syok2 blajaq CCT...
beep..vibrate from minebut, sometime, we should follow their behavior n spirit" said bro. El..hehehe
"ha..really..biaq btoi.." masing2 tercengang2 kut..mazhab mana ni??
"we can c their spirit..wafa' bil 'ahdi, unity, n qiyam...etc.." de gud one's true..
so different wif us..
tgh syok2 blajaq CCT...
alang2 dh nk habis..buke jela..
lorgh..cik ulwan alhafiz ghupenye..
the contents shouldn't display bcz of sum words..haha..
nyway..congrat bro! today 3/12/08..u r independent...alhamdulillah..
i can feel wat u feel juz now..same like me 2 years ago..yela..SPM pun kat skul die..almaklumlah skul adik berjiran ngan skul kakak..tambahan lak, candidates KIST 36 orang, we should thanx to SMA Mahmudiah...
betul gak die kate..kadang2, ngan barokah ni kite leh face sumting unexpected..smuge die n sume member yg seangkatan ngan die especially adi, syam, yoe, ihsan, mizi, nuh n amri able to achieve all of ur dreams..
last but not least, sanah helwah tuk umy cayanng..
semoga rahmat Allah sentiasa bersamamu..i luv all de memory dat u gave to me..umy kate besday die msti hari2 yg berbahagia tuk org lain..iye2 o je umy ni.hehe..yg pasti umy dah 19, dhiah stil maintain 18..hehe..lakin fil hakikat, maut tak kenal usia..kan?smg kita smua bkl m'dpt husnul khatimah..ameen ya Rabb
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